2Sense: Wise Monkeys

" You can not use apartheid as an excuse" Excuse me? I don't think you understand what you're saying... a little more than 2 decades later we are expected to forget apartheid forget that that you came to OUR country, OUR continent and had the audacity to deem us inferior. then you proceeded to take from us, in fact steal our livestock , our land, even our liberty, anything you could get your hands on you took from us. We are thieves? well I wonder where we learnt that from. Called us uncivilised, yet YOU had primitive minds that only knew to conquer and divide. Tell me how are we to forget, how you relentlessly tried to destroy our nation, our humanity. You made our ethnicity feel like sin, like the pigment of our skin made us sub-human. Called us vile but you used pseudo science to convince yourselves that you were better. You imposed your religion on us and when we rejected it, you called us Kafers and for years to follow you used such words to torment...