What Is Acceptable?

What is acceptable?

Are we supposed to dress a specific way, listen to specific music, have specific values. Believe in certain religions, live certain lifestyles in order to fit the bill of what's acceptable?

I would be lying if i said we gave a F** but sadly and unnoticely, we do. We preach "live your life the way you see fit!" Or "f*** what all yall mother***** say ima do me!"
It's very powerful statements that fill the interwebs and socials but honestly do we practice what we preach? Do we really live life the way we see fit?

You feel a certain way when someone says to you that they don't like you. You feel a certain way when someone says you dress funny, you ain't got swag, that's so last season...yadi ya bla bla bla bla bla bla....

People gon always talk and we will not always share the same principles and values. One might not believe in the church or the christian faith as a whole, one might be a born again...who do you think is right and who do you think is wrong. What's acceptable and what isn't? 

You look yourself in the mirror and say, I'm not light skinned enough...i need to be more light skinned otherwise i won't get as many likes as that b**** from Instagram.
In social network standards these days girls are becoming light skinned overnight you'd swear they had skin transplant. The makeup is getting heavier. The eye lashes are getting longer the hair is becoming even more fainter.

Look I'm not gonna start a "Love Your Natural Beauty" campaign outchea. Its a persons choice to do whatever they want to their bodies but the reasoning behind it is what worries me. Look yourself in the mirror the next time you fixing up  ask yourself what is acceptable.

Don't live by what society or majority entails. We were all born with individual brains and with individual and different unique thinking for a reason. God did not.put us into this world to be slaves of one anothers ideas and philosophies on how we see life.
Let us live towards our full potential. Its time to stop being followers and start being leaders. Create your own path.
Create your own acceptable.

Mzwakhe Z Makubo


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