
Showing posts from 2016

2Sense: smartPhones, The Millennial(New) Drug

Gone are the days when the coolest feature a phone ever had was a ringtone. Remember those polyphonic ringtones that never went passed 1:30 minutes worth of play time? Days when we had to spend more than R3 just to send a 4-paragraphed SMS or when image sharing was only done by MMS. Let's be honest, looking at all that, in hind-sight, those days used to suck. But as time progressed, phones did too. We started having phones with colour display, some whack VGA camera display on the rear end of it and slowly, data & file sharing was introduced. Infrared and it's humble beginnings. Fast-forward to  years later.... How does your phone look like now? Definitely nothing like the once famous Nokia , right? They like handheld computers now and they can do way more too. And with new technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, video recording and many more being integrated with every new release, one can only wonder what the next phone will do and look like. T...

2Sense: Life

Although im just another 22 year old, it somehow feels like ive reached a stage or level where plenty my age will sadly never reach or remain oblivious to. Consciousness... Its like i was always aware of certain aspects of life but i could never put my finger on being a conscious person. I never had that vocal cord and i would always shy away from situations that would require my view or perspective. I think the confusion begins when people think being conscious is a choice. Truth is, it isnt. Its in every single one of us, thats why you can get a kid thats still in his/her early years that can tell you that flicking your middle finger is socially unaccepted and a grey-headed person sit you down about the Birds and the Bees. Its like an ability, it needs to be exercised otherwise it wont mean shit to you. If thats the case, then what is it that bothers us as humans the most? Its the U N C E R T A I N T Y of life! Lets keep in mind that this is my 2Sense worth, so some w...

2Sense: 2016.03.18: The Gift of Life

I never imagined myself caught in a situation that was beyond my control. Fighting just to stay alive, so my existence could live to see another day. Until the 18th of March 2016. Life is a precious gift, a gift too many of us seem to take for granted until a near death experience waltz's in. Well, I've had my whole life, all the years that i have lived, flashing in front of me when i got mugged some few months back. What was suppose to be a normal day almost ended with two dead bodies lying on the side of the road. Easter holidays were around the corner and i was stuck in traffic with impatient passengers waiting to get home. 2 hours later, we finally reached our drop off point and i met up with my friend.Whilst at the rank, we realised that it was too late and the taxis to where we were headed were all gone. Quite a bummer right? Well i don't know how you would've handled the situation, but we had no other option than to go hike for a lift. A fter all,...

2Sense: Drugs, My Escape

The term  drug  refers mainly to chemical or plant-derived substances that affect  psychological , behavioral or physical functions and lead to varying degrees of dependence or addiction.  Psychoactive Drugs are chemical substances that act on the central nervous system to alter mood, perception, behavior, and/or consciousness. These drugs include sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, opiates, and psychiatric medications. I remember going home for December holidays once and since i had not been there for close to a year, i was actually anticipating my arrival. Don't blame me for not going home frequently, i believe home should serve as a place you can use to get away from all the madness that goes on in the city, to recollect your thoughts, to catch up with family and old friends but home is not where you should be living. Well, at least that's how i see it.  You might have a different opinion and that's okay, but this is...

Stuck between a rock and a Hard Place

The world is on a constant change. I guess we all know that by now. Staying focused is very important in this time and age. Because ive seen so many people slip from reality and fall into a endless dream of success. Too many of us procrastinate about life, we sing endless songs of making it big in this world. Not to say procrastinating is wrong, you can do it all day, week, fuck it, you can do it all year if you down for it. But dont slip. When you get an opportunity of doing something and doors open, strike while the iron is still hot. Cliché right? You've probably heard that shit more times than youve lived right? Wrong! Dont let the situations you find yourself in at this very moment be the ones that determine how the rest of your life will be. I think when one feels like the world has nothing to give or offer them, we instantaniously give up and give in to being failures. Always stay focused. What i mean is dont weaken your mental strength, neither should you take...

2Sense: Christianity My Religion

If I remember correctly, I think spent I half of my life in chapels, church tents and in Sunday School. As most would call "The house of the Lord". And for that part in time of my life, i went to church almost every Sunday of every month. I believed in the word. The ghost. The spirit. I read the word and at times, spoke it too. Lets just say  for a split second my life revolved around church and its activities. Until i realized it was just another institution. Churches have recently came under huge criticism for misleading people and dishing out false belief and being nothing but money making schemes. But that's a story for another day... I guess my full participation at church was mainly because my mom controlled what i could and couldn't do,  going to church being one she controlled every Sunday. Not that I'm complaining though. However, that was when i was still one-track minded and believed more in what i was told than what i had seen and perceived...

2Sense: Wise Monkeys

" You can not use apartheid as an excuse" Excuse me? I don't think you understand what you're saying... a little more than 2 decades later we are expected to forget apartheid forget that that you came to OUR country, OUR continent and had the audacity to deem us inferior. then you proceeded to take from us, in fact steal our livestock , our land, even our liberty, anything you could get your hands on you took from us. We are thieves? well I wonder where we learnt that from. Called us uncivilised, yet YOU had primitive minds that only knew to conquer and divide. Tell me how are we to forget, how you relentlessly tried to destroy our nation, our humanity. You made our ethnicity feel like sin, like the pigment of our skin made us sub-human. Called us vile but you used pseudo science to convince yourselves that you were better. You imposed your religion on us and when we rejected it, you called us Kafers and for years to follow you used such words to torment...

Applying Logic To Emotions?

It is said that "Applying logic to emotions causes conflict. Logic is rules, regulations, standards, using past experiences and taking into consideration present circumstances to come up with solutions. Emotions is love, hate, anger, anxiety, happiness, joy, kindness, gratitude, everything that classifies you not being a robot. The words came into my head " you cannot apply logic to emotions". I think back to the terrorist attack on Brussels Airport and Maalbeek Metro Station on the 22nd of March 2016. The two brothers who went into an airport carrying explosives knew very well what they were doing. They knew very well that today is the day we leave this world and take as many human beings with us as possible. Now you probably wondering what's the relation between the statement "you cannot apply logic to emotions"' and an Airport and train station in Belgium. Logic would tell us that what these people did goes against every law, moral stance and...

The Right To Social Security

How many of us recieve the short end of the stick? By that i mean how many people in South Africa experience the bad effects of the way our country has been run? We have The Right To Social Security, on paper this means "We all have the right to affordable housing, medicine, education, and child care, enough money to live on and medical help if we are ill or old." But it never happends that way, sadly enough this includes the majority of our society. Houses are becoming more expensive by the day and these are not just in suburban residential areas, its affecting all corners of the country, including rural areas. So at the end of the day everyone is feeling the pinch in their pocket.One would say its the hike in prices, for the past few years, has been nothing short of absurdity. Health care is suppose to be one of the most important rights that gets exercised in our country. However, it certainly feels like its turned into a luxury in order to afford proper health ca...