2Sense: Christianity My Religion

If I remember correctly, I think spent I half of my life in chapels, church tents and in Sunday School. As most would call "The house of the Lord". And for that part in time of my life, i went to church almost every Sunday of every month.
I believed in the word. The ghost. The spirit. I read the word and at times, spoke it too. Lets just say  for a split second my life revolved around church and its activities.
Until i realized it was just another institution.
Churches have recently came under huge criticism for misleading people and dishing out false belief and being nothing but money making schemes.
But that's a story for another day...

I guess my full participation at church was mainly because my mom controlled what i could and couldn't do,  going to church being one she controlled every Sunday. Not that I'm complaining though.
However, that was when i was still one-track minded and believed more in what i was told than what i had seen and perceived.
But time flies and so does one's way of thinking.
I have since shifted away from the routines i grew into and decided to sit on the fence instead of choose a side.
As I've grown older, I've given a half of the enthusiasm i once had to going to church.
I believe my spiritual self can still be fed outside a building of authority, authority brings control, and quite frankly I rather stay away from any form of authority.
Now please don't get me  misunderstood because I'm not against anyone's faith in churches. This is just my perspective. My 2Sense worth.

Christianity has found its way into a pit endless contradictions and I personally feel S O M E people are only Christian to save face and to keep their consciences clean but if so, why is everyone in a race to please that next fellow neighbour if we claim to be Christians? We have focused so much on what the next man/woman does that we cant even see ourselves pull away from whats real and not. 
Allow me to elaborate, your friends and family is what's real in this world and that status you rub in everyone's face is nothing but a mere title that can wash away faster than you can say Oops.
Maybe I live in a time where these things are taken lightly, where what matters to me is no greater than fast cars, money and women.
I guess we can squeeze in Smartphones too because they play a huge role these days or do they?.

I could have written about flying pigs and centaurs(half human, half horse) but the world i live in is not that fictitious.
| Nceba Thabethe |


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