2Sense: Where's My Silver Lining?

What do you normally do when you've lost your confidence?
When all your days turn grey, do you ever ask yourself when your silver lining will appear?
Who or what do you turn to when you are mentally caving in?

This past week i was hit with a reality check, which made me question how safe a person really is when they go to bed or any other day.

So what happend was some excuse of a living being decided to pay our commune a visit in the middle of the fucken night. It was probably 23:30 if im not mistaken. And the date being Friday the 13th, doesnt even make the situation any better.

So while im in the other room of the house, having a jolly good time, my room was being broken into through the window. When it was time for me to sleep and i went back to my room, my window was wide open and my laptop was gone.....
A few minutes later i noticed that my wallet had also gone missing...
I think its safe to say that i have bad luck with wallets and laptops.

My desk was empty, lifeless without the laptop. As if the printer and lamp didnt bring any life on their own. I was just so angry. Then i felt like those who looked over me had turned their backs on me. I felt really down in a matter of 2 minutes. It was as if i had just heard news about someone's passing.
My only option was to go sleep.

So the next day, after a long day at work, i returned to the commune to news that i wasnt the only person that got hit the previous night. My neighbouring roommate also got her laptop and phone taken and her situation was worse because it was at gun point. So she experienced the whole ordeal that i was also suppose to go through had i been in my room at that time, since our rooms are next to each other...

I dont know what price i was paying. Why it had to happen to me? Or why it even happend in the first place. But it made me realise how the world really is a fucked up place.
 What drives a person to jump over a high raised wall, into a stranger's yard and start snatching shit through windows at gun point?

 The streets we walk on these days are just infested with people that have bottled up their evil intentions and people like us(students), have to be the victims to it all. Their minds are clouded with crooked thoughts as they ponder on about their daily bread.

Im tired of living in fear.
Always looking over my shoulder if i wont get jacked from behind, curtains and windows always closed because i dont know when shit like this will happen again.
Im constantly hit by paranoia.

You would think going to the Police would help my situation but they've failed us(as a country) so many times that even the thought of them is useless. Unless its a case of domestic violence or some drunkards that arent abiding by the law and things like that.
But my case wouldnt even float for 2 days in those dockets they file. It would be an open and shut case the minute i turned my back and headed out the door.
If you ask me, its a scary reality to think that society is slowly losing its faith in the country's police force. I mean, who are we suppose to run or turn to when those that are meant to uphold the system cant even keep our communities safe?

I hope that thief gets whats coming to him one day. Even if it means him kicking a bucket. Im sorry, but i dont think we deserve to live alongside people like that.
But in the government's eyes, i guess crime is what brings "balance" to how our crude system is built.

What a way to kick off my 2017...

                  By: | Nceba Thabethe|


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