Does He Still Care?

Does He still care, When the innocent blood has dried up on the streets, And the bones of children lie dispersed in the wilderness? Does He still see, The tears of mourning friends, The sweat on the brows of broken men? Can He still hear, The cries of young maidens being stripped of their innocence, The breaking bones of mistreated mothers, sisters and daughters? Can He still feel, The loneliness of the unloved orphan. The rejection from the world of the crippled and ridden with disease? Can He still smell, The burning skins of misunderstood civilians. The decay of the bodies of long forgotten elders? Does He still love, The sinner who finds comfort in their addictions, The prostitute who finds her only happiness in the arms of her men? Can He still forgive, The thief who steals to feed his starving family, The murderer who baths in the blood of his mother's killer? By | Silindile Ngwenya |