Ancient Love, they might have called it.
Deceased, they might have proclaimed it.

Within the two parallel universes, grew a flower
A forgotten seed of past memories.
Appreciated only after a small infinity.

Through swirling storms and sunny summers,
The flower concieved in barren land still grew.
It roots,
The sole connection between the parallel universes.

Its Co-creator watched it whither through starly gates.
In a leap on faith, he plucked it from its cosmoral ground.
Only to watch it bloom in his healing hands.

"A miracle"
, he called it.
"A future within a past" ;
"Life in death"
, he exclaimed.

Moved by the abrupt energy spawned by the being,
With the healing hands.
Another of the flower's Co-creator was inspired.

Even between galaxies and separation of time.
Each creator believed in its creation.
Planted in a world that niether could fathom.

Reconciled once more, under a sole purpose.
The flower grew more radiant than before.
In between its saviours' hands,
It blossoms.

Ancient Love , they might have called it.
Deceased, they might have proclaimed it

By: |Silindile Ngwenya|


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