2Sense: Despicable Men

Men are terrible, that's the conclusion I've come to
Sadistic creatures, that when broken, feed off their loved ones' misery,
They are despicable.
Waltz into our lives with promises; to love, to protect, to honor, and leave you cut by the shards of those broken promises.
Is it that their love is volatile?
That their nature has taught them to be rough even with the most tender of hearts fluttering at their fingertips?
Maybe its in their genetic make-up
that they're just born brutes.
Anger, jealousy and animosity flow in their veins
Attempts at what they would call love have left me in tatters.
Perhaps it's the weight of entitlement, patriarchy, pride, power and sexism
They're born to inherit from their first cry, manhood already looming, that shatters their humanity
Nonetheless it doesn't make them any less revolting.
But maybe I should I explain, why I believe men are humanity's fungus,
a green indigo bush that spreads bacteria by the second.
In the past few decades I've lived there has never been a time where there wasn't a man somehow etching at my happiness infecting my life with their vile nature.
I don't even need to reference my life,
Pick up a newspaper,
Read a book,
Hell, turn on the tv:
" abusive husband",
"man rapes daughter",
"family shot dead, male suspect apprehended",
oh the list is endless.
Blessed with nothing but the "right"  genitilia, have the right to walk the street at night with better job opportunities.
They have the liberty to wear what they want, of being intoxcated and not being held liable for their actions, and most recently, the right to be unfaithful.
Maybe we should blame society for their heinous double standards
but would that excuse the countless dreams that have been destroyed by mankind?
Would it resurrect all hopes slain by a man's words, a man's actions,
a man's demeanor?
Would it change the fact that once a man is broken nothing can and ever will be fixed
"Uncle", "Father", "Boyfriend" , "Son" even the "Big Man" himself, all words of pain synonymous.
So you see all of this probed the decision,
I made at an unwise age, that I would rather be cursed, stoned, burnt, suffocated and killed than let to decay at the hands of our men.

By: | Ndalwentle Isipho Makunga |


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