Are You Better Than Me?

We all have different outlooks on life and different goals. We live our lives differently. Have different belief systems. We value different things, our cultures are vastly diversified. One question. What makes your life better then those around you?

Now this is sensitive and quite a complex question to answer cause in todays society people be always catching feelings outchea. What makes your life better than mine?

If you can answer that question, you shallow. I mean it. We all want different things from life. Life is an individual journey of (self) discovery. We are not the same so technically no one is better than the other. I don't care if you got millions, own strip clubs or whatever. We all walk on the same ground, same earth, breath the same oxygen and ultimately drink the same water. Drink your distilled spring water, its still comprises of the compounds hydrogen and oxygen.

What I'm trying to say is don't worry yourself about what others are doing or how far are they in life. Social media isn't helping much also cause you spend so much time looking at other peoples lives you start comparing yourself then comes that question... ARE YOU BETTER THAN ME?

Success is like for example going to Cape Town. Those fortunate will travel by air, others by bus, some will drive there, ultimately others will walk there but eventually you will arrive.

Never stop believing in yourself, learn to trust in yourself, learn that we all have different paths to take, and stop comparing yourself with others you are a one of a kind human being. The only one who's gonna achieve your greatness.

Mzwakhe Z Makubo


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