The Art of Giving.
If theres one thing my mom told & taught me to grow old with,
Its the gesture of "Giving".
Theres a difference between giving out of the kindness of your heart and giving just because you were asked to.
Last night on my way home. A limping, grey headed, old lady was walking in the opposite direction i was walking in. So she tapped my hand and pulled me to the side and asked me for R1, for a freaken R1.
Which i unfortunately didnt have, but i gave her R5 which was initially meant for something else(im no millionnaire).
This woman's face instantly lit up and glowed, and you could see it wasnt a fake grin but a genuine smile.
That really touched me.
We tend to take lightly how far a simple gesture of giving the smallest things can mean a whole lot more to the reciever.
Well,Rewind back in to the lives we live in nowadays, lives where we only want to give something to someone (even if they not less fortunate) if we ourselves receive something in return.
Im no saint, but i was raised where giving should be done in abundance without waiting to receive in return.
Im not much of a believer, but the verse in the scripture that says "What you give unto others, shall be given unto you" is a blessing in disguise.
But then again we blind...
Its All about Me Me Me...
So what if some old woman asked me for money...
Tread carefully on my dreams! ! !
Nceba Thabethe
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