Freedom Was Not A Right But Just A Dream
I think back to 1976, the student march. I think back to Mandela, Chris Hani, Steve Biko, countless people who's blood been shed for the freedom we have today. The countless people like me and you gunned down for the right they believed in, proper education.
If the youth of today were as passionate as the youth who marched in the 70s imagine how different the demographics in this country would be today. Well the dynamics have changed and we not under the same conditions.
But take a moment to honour the youth of 1976. We actually get a holiday this month because of what they did. They went beyond the point of fear. Fear of death. Do you think you can get to that point where you want something so much that death ain't a factor?
That's what i call passion. That's what i call resilliance. That's what i call never giving up on what you believe in. That's what i call heart.
In 2014 i doubt what you wanna fight for involves death as an outcome but take the passion the youth of 1976 had and inject it into the dream you have today. The same characteristics i listed into that dream.
After all freedom was not a right but just a dream that was turned into reality.
Never stop your hustle.
Mzwakhe Z Makubo
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