Be your own leader.

People grow up listening to the wrong rappers.
Looking up to the wrong idols.
Following in the footsteps of others and not paving a clear path broad enough for their own footsteps.
Thats why history repeats itself, because we caught up between making something of our lives and trying to be someone else.

Its a fact, because we see all these types of people everyday on tv, rapping about shit they dont know, idols shooting drugs up into their systems to find consolement. And then you get those that find being on the other side of law as a hobby.

In whatever you do, someone is always watching no matter how big or small you are, so eventually theres going to come a time where people look up to you.

Success doesnt define a person's intel. So just stay true to who you are and the rest will fall into place eventually.

Nceba Thabethe


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